
honey, everyone does.

as you enter this little place,
you are entering adelyn.huiqi's life:)
everything here is the true feelings and thoughts of this little girl.
if there is anything that you dont feel comfortable about while reading,
the little "X" is on the top right hand corner of this window.
feel free to click on that alright.
happy reading^.^


shout, scream and be heard

ABOUT {what i've}
LINKS {been looking for}
TAG {all this time}

bold italic underline link

Sunday, August 14, 2011
140811 3:50 AM

a sleep-till-wake-up-naturally day.
waking up and had the urge to shop.
and poof! i was at FAREAST with XIU shopping!
bought a pair of sandals (my initial thing on list to buy), a pair of shorts and a top (these two are unexpected circumstances)
the aunty at the shop is damn friendly!
like a damn long never see them and they totally brightened up my day(:

met baobei and headed over to SANTY'S birthday partyyyyy!
a simple yet warming one(:
shall start thinking of what i wana do for my 21st birthday. hmmmmmmm.

wanted to go for 一碗甜品 for supper but by the time we reached it was closed!
ultimate sadness when they changed to the closed sign right in our faces):
had macs ice cream instead and home sweet home.

call me a sore loser, i just cant wait for it to happen.
dont need you to come back to me, 
proving that im right is more than enough.

challenge coming its way, whatever you have prepared for me, im ready.


Saturday, August 13, 2011
130811 1:45 AM

full working day and got my online shopping stuff done.
came home and thought its gonna be a relaxing lepak night.
turned out to be another extended family drama.

like seriously, so much of adults telling us to do things right,
and they get all the fking rights to do everything that they told us not to.
cant they just calm the fk down and settle things once and for all and leave the elderly in peace?!
whats so great about getting everyone affected by it? be it relationship and health.
and when you are fed up, leave me alone!
cos you arent the only one thats not in a good mood.
so when i say close the damn door i mean close the damn door,
one more second of you annoying fked up voice irritates every single angsty cell in me.
for goodness heaven sake, you mean adults cant understand simple english and chinese?
i said i dont know right? i said leave me alone right?
its simple instructions i suppose, is it that difficult to understand the slightest meaning of it?
dont come geh gao with me, 我不吃这套!!!

august can never be a smooth sailing month.


Friday, August 12, 2011
120811 1:53 AM

a half wrking day with a meetup with the dear and bf!
ultimate madness and randomness night.
its always so awesome to hangout together.
camwhored like nobody's business and my new found eyecandyyyy!

a mini surprise for mean(:
kfc kfc kfc kfc *chants*
hiak hiak hiak.

bought a top online.
like a super random and impulsive act but hope its gonna be nice on me.
pretty please.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011
100811 1:28 AM

a full shift working day that is kinda tiring cos there isnt much customers till the last 15mins before closing shop thn a sudden influx of people.
almost fell asleep sia.

had upper thomson prata after that plus car ride, random last min call and had another passenger with us on a short crazy ride!
a long time no see boy i would say.
the ultimate screams and "flying" experience.
finally crispy prata craving satisfied(:

family day as usual.
nua at home day with lotsa munching.
confirm grow fat.

gambled abit but its not my day): 
but whining to daddy always works.
hiak hiak hiak.
everytime when we gamble he is always the ultimate loser.

enjoying my civilian life(:


Monday, August 8, 2011
080811 2:39 AM

was travelling around, bugis-mbs-kallang-pasir ris.
mini shopping trip and was so satisfied with the little things that i bought.
gonna go for more shopping after my next pay is in(:
hee hee.
and and and, the iceskating rink in mbs is a BIG TIME LIARRRRR!!!
its not ice please! ultimate got-cheated feeling):
ended up slacking/movie-ing at kallang leisure park.
although some part are kinda awkward but its so inspiring and funny.
for once i just laugh out super duper loud and heck care about whoever is in the cinema.
HEI SUSHI for dinner before heading over to SYLVIA'S bday chalet.
the food isnt as nice as sakae sushi):
feels good to see many many familiar faces gathering in a chalet,
updates, chitchatting and talking rubbish.
tauhuey-ed and "BSC OEI-ed!" when we see a group of bsc peeps at rochor as well.
like a random shiokness! *cheap thrills*

rainy rainy morning.
thankfully it didnt ruin the barrage plan with OG13(:
played with this super cute little boy, camwhore, picnic, flew kite, etc.
the octopus vs stingray convo totally cracked me up.

love lepak sessions, so relaxing and fun(:

received call for foc!
hell yeah(:
looking forward to camp and the start of uni life.
feels good to be a freshie all over again(:

missed the days when wed clique go out for outings, and go crazy with night life!
everyone is so busy and stamina is dropping):

still able to differentiate between pure sarcasm and honest hearty opinions from people who care.
its a matter of taking it to heart or selective listening.
as time goes by immunity grew stronger.
and you can tell who are the people that judges and who doesnt.

true friends may be the one that will be there no matter what it is.
but have anyone stopped and think,
what have you done to deserve their support?
things may happen, but never take it for granted, if not by the time one turns back and find no one left.
no one can be blamed but oneself.
in order to have an output, there is always an input.

maybe when one day reality decided to knock on the door then there will be some reflection/ actions done.


Saturday, August 6, 2011
050811 1:55 AM

been working and seeing the money coming in at the end of the month makes me so excited!
hiak hiak hiak.
finally settled the bank loan and school fees issue officially as of today, but there are still registration fees to worry about.

its a travelling-around-singapore-alone day.
but somehow its so relaxing(:

lepak-ed at mean's workplace with niang,
like a finally satisfy dao the icecream cravings and the chocolate is damn damn damn nice i swear!
random updates and all, <3

somethings shall just be left in the past and one should move on.
you've tried your best but thats the most that can be done.
no matter how unbearable it is, 
its just two words: move on.

just dont ask me questions whereby u already know the answer,  no matter who you are.
tired of answering.
and yes, i dont entertain one word texts.
being nice enables people to step over, so its not gonna happen anymore.
cross the line and there will be no face given.
have been too nice in the past.

why are things turning out to be the way it is now,
no one is clearer of the reason but yourself.
before blaming others and start pointing fingers/ finding excuses for yourself, reflect.
what have one done to deserve this.
